Today we would like to share with you the results of a report by NTT Group that reveals that the retail sector is the hardest hit by cyber attacks. Almost three times more than the financial sector. The retail sector topped the list of cybersecurity attacks compared to the other sectors analysed. With a percentage of 11%, it displaced the financial sector, which had topped the list the previous year, from first place.

Why do they attack the retail sector so much?

Mathew Gyde, security executive at Dimension Data group, highlights the fact that “the retail and financial sectors are often the ones that process large volumes of personal information and credit card data, which justifies this stance on the part of cyber attackers”. “According to this, accessing these organisations allows them to monetise sensitive data such as credit card statements on the black market, which justifies their actions in exchange for rewards.”

The graph illustrates very well the interest according to sectorsEducation is the least attacked with only 2%, as are legal issues and gaming environments. Below the sector that receives the most attacks, the retail sector, the Leisure and Entertainment sector appears with a high percentage, at 10%. And the insurance sector with 9%. The study also reveals that 65% of the attacks originated from IP addresses located in the United States. They also used low-cost, easily accessible and strategically located infrastructures.



The main tactic used by cyber attackers to bypass organisations’ perimeter defences is the use of malware. This growing trend increased by around 18% in 2015 across all sectors except education.

Protect your company

In this sense, and as we always insist, it is essential to protect the security of the company by relying on professional cybersecurity experts. We remind you that prevention is the best way to keep everything safe and be calm. At Esferize we know that the retail sector has some particularities that make it special. That is why we have adapted and developed specific solutions and products focused on retailers with the aim of solving the specific needs of a sector that is in the crosshairs of cyber-attacks.

The analysis of honeynet attacks reveals that attackers are using telecommunications companies and hosting providers to achieve their goals. The report covers security threats detected throughout 2015. They came from 8,000 customers of NTT Group security companies, including Dimension Data, Solutionary, NTT Com Security, NTT R&D and NTT Innovation Institute (NTTi3).

Finally, we would like to stress the importance of data protection, both the company’s own data and that of its customers. Since they are highly coveted among cybercriminals. In Esferize we have a security team made up of professional experts who ensure the security of each client and will be happy to answer any questions that may arise. So do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.