How do I know what is the right Internet speed for my business?

A good Internet service is crucial for today’s business environment, as it is a tool that directly influences productivity, efficiency and the ability to compete in the global marketplace for companies of all sizes. This is because a good Internet connection allows companies to access and share information quickly and smoothly, streamlining operations and improving internal and external communication.

This is why, at Esferize, we offer solutions in network cabling and Wi-Fi installations, managed by professionals and focused on meeting the needs and demands of each business. But how do you determine the ideal browsing speed for each company? To answer this question, together with Selectra, advisors specialised in the contracting of Internet services, we will analyse some of the factors that are important to take into account before contracting an Internet package.


What is the ideal Internet speed for my business?

Answering this question is a little more complex than it seems, as we must take into account that not all companies are the same size or focus on the same sector, so their level of digitisation and requirements may vary. However, there are certain general factors that, depending on the size of the company, may be more or less relevant and that will serve as a guide to find the appropriate Internet speed in each case.


Small businesses: How much speed is enough?

For small businesses, it is particularly important to find the right balance between speed and cost. Therefore, special attention should be paid to two factors:

Basic connectivity needs for a small business

Before choosing Internet speed, it is essential to assess the company’s basic connection needs. What kind of online activities are carried out on a regular basis? Does the company mainly use email and web browsing, or does it also rely on cloud services, video conferencing and large file transfer? This is important, because as we add digital tools, the speed required will increase.

Assess the number of connected users and devices

Another crucial aspect is to assess the number of users and devices simultaneously connected to the network. The more employees using the Internet at the same time, the higher the demand for bandwidth. It is essential to ensure that the Internet speed is sufficient to maintain a stable connection without slowdowns. In addition, it is also important to consider other connected devices, such as printers, security cameras and point-of-sale systems, which will also consume bandwidth.


Medium and large companies: Bigger size, faster speed?

Medium and large enterprises face additional challenges in terms of Internet speed. As the size of the company increases, so does the demand for bandwidth, and factors such as scalability must also be taken into account.

Increased demand for bandwidth

With more employees and more complex online activities, medium and large enterprises require more bandwidth capacity to maintain seamless connectivity. Heavy use of cloud applications, video conferencing, large file transfers and business management systems require a fast and stable connection. It is critical to assess the amount of data being transferred and the speed required so that business processes are not affected by delays or interruptions.

Scalability and future growth considerations

In addition to meeting current connectivity needs, medium and large businesses must consider scalability and future growth. It is important to choose an Internet speed that can accommodate the growth of the business and support increased bandwidth demands as it expands. Working hand in hand with an Internet service provider that offers scalable solutions and upgrade options will allow the business to meet future needs without disruption or excessive costs.


With these factors in mind, when contracting or modifying our Internet services, we can have a clearer idea of what the specific needs of our business are. But if we still have doubts, we should not forget that the best solution is to receive professional advice. Thanks to their experience, they will always help us to find the best alternative, assessing the needs of our company and offering a customised solution.